about me

I paint pictures for the pleasure of others, but also for myself. Usually when I want or need to get something off my chest, but also when I suddenly experience something beautiful. I have a very perceptive, sensitive personality with a highly developed observational talent. I like to observe people and life itself in general, which is my huge inspiration. I paint with my fingers. I gradually developed a recognition instinct in my hands, which works as if I were picking out crayons with my eyes. Even if I can't see, the colors in my paintings harmonize and please both eyes and soul. Every stroke of my fingers is felt deeply and every color carries a beautiful information. These colors and information create shapes that recall specific images and stories in the eyes of seeing people. There is a healing magnetism in my paintings, which can be perceived by a more sensitive person, but also not. It similarly affects realistic people, but they express their feelings differently. My work attracts lovers of art and originality. I can't imagine my life without colors and creativity. On the contrary, I have a strong feeling that I have been completely connected to them since I was a child and that they are deep inside me for the rest of my life.


Kontakt: lea.paw@seznam.cz