

an absurd evening with a healthy dose of dark humor.
As part of this year's theater festival in Hradec Králové, my friend and I went to the theater.I was specifically very curious about what some Finnish author came up with.an absurdly large number of people came to this totally absurd piece.
I settled into the seat with zero expectations, it's simply a new adventure.
I must admit I probably wouldn't be able to say too much what it was all about.
and would I recommend it to someone I know?
why not if he's a little crazy like me.
but I was surprised that this absurd piece, full of black humor, dark as night, to my surprise brought me relief, relaxation and even interesting thoughts.
I left with my friend feeling excited to discover more absurd and joyful experiences of this evening.
there was a swarm of people, the hustle and bustle that I love.
the good mood just oozed from that mass of humanity.
we headed towards the music coming out of the Hradec Big Band.
at first we were at the very far end of the enthusiastic audience, but we gradually worked our way closer and closer, thanks to fans coming and going.
a wonderful oasis of jazz and swing tones.
two female singers and one male singer alternated, and all my veins were dancing.
a cleansing, warm breeze spread through my heart and I felt as on a cloud.
I admire such absurdly good singers and musicians, from whom the great music comes as if it was just a given.
I bow deeply to these excellent artists.
we both enjoyed a beautiful, warm, summer evening.
we slowly set off on our way home, overcoming the crooked sidewalks in the city center.
a hole here, a hole there, but we felt great.
I felt absurdly good even next morning.
I don't regret a minute that I spent there, mainly thanks to the fact that the evening's adventure had an exotic spice of absurdity.